The most common types of commercial business signs and the differences between them.
Sign Types and Features
There are several different kinds of signs and understanding their differences can make a huge difference when it come to planning and designing your sign.
Pole Signs
Freestanding pole signs are very common when it comes to commercial business signs. These signs are often mounted atop a single steel pole or column and can also have double poles as a support structure.
A pole sign’s effectiveness is enhanced by the fact that pole signs usually offer better visibility than other signs since they can be seen from greater distances.
Monument Signs
Monument signs are freestanding signs that are detached from a building. Typically the base will be the full width of the sign and often constructed of a permanent material such as concrete block or brick.
Pylon Signs
Pylon signs usually look like a large monument sign. By definition, a pylon sign is a freestanding commercial business sign that is detached from a building and having a support structure that is a solid-appearing base constructed of a permanent material, such as concrete, block or brick. The biggest difference between a monument sign and a pylon sign is its height.
Wall Signs
Wall signs are those that attach to an interior or exterior wall of a building and project not more than a code-defined distance. City ordinances can differ and define a sign differently based on it’s dimensional size, but in general terms, wall signs mount to a wall.
Not all signs are meant to be seen at night but most exterior signs are engineered to be effective for night use. There are a few different methods of sign illumination and it’s important to know how each method differs. You will need to check with your city to determine which methods are acceptable.
Internal Illumination
Internally illuminated sign cabinets are equipped with an internal light source. Light sources are installed behind the cabinet’s or channel letter’s sign faces and affixed to the commercial business sign or structure.
External Illumination
Externally illuminated signs refer to a method lighting a sign with a source of illumination that comes from outside the sign cabinet. This is usually achieved by installing directional lights on the outside of the sign.
Neon Illumination
Neon signs are electric signs lighted by long luminous gas-discharge tubes that contain rarefied neon or other gases. These gases are the most commonly used for neon lighting, which was first demonstrated in a modern form in December 1910 by Georges Claude at the Paris Motor Show.
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Scroll through an expansive catalog of photos from past signs and projects! No matter if you’re new to signs or a seasoned pro, this is the perfect place to search for inspiration as you familiarize yourself with different kinds of signs and illumination methods.